Panama San Benito

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Panama San Benito

Panama is an origin that constantly makes headlines in the specialty coffee world mostly associated with the renowned Gesha variety. But several complexities influence specialty coffee, and it would be a mistake to reduce the complexity of this famous growing region to nothing more than plant variety. With this lot of Caturra from Finca Candela, one of several farms in the San Benito Cafe group, there is an opportunity to explore the impact of terroir on different varieties. The San Benito group has 240 acres cultivated with coffee. In addition to a mindful and environmentally balanced approach to farm management, San Benito has an experienced team and onsite infrastructure at the farm to ensure attention to detail during the harvest. The Caturra lot is processed using a washed method. After selective picking, ripe cherries are floated to remove less dense and damaged seeds, and then de-pulped, fermented, washed, and placed on raised beds, and turned regularly for 8 to 12 days. Drying is finished using a mechanical dryer to ensure precise moisture content.

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